Ship Smart™ EMR
Russell Town, Eight Mile Rock

Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tel: (242) 348-1924

Ship Smart™ Balao
Balao Road, Taylor Plaza

Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tel: (242) 814-544

©2023 Ship Smart. All Right Reserved

**Your Name**
*Balao or EMR*
7544 West McNab Road
North Lauderdale, Florida 33068
[email protected]

©2023 Ship Smart. All Right Reserved


Dispute & Complaints

Filling a Complaint?

Complaints may be submitted using the form below or by email. They can be addressed to Us in a variety of ways and may be made if You have a complaint about any aspect of Our service.

Your Complaint's Content

Your complaint should be sent to Us within sixty (45) business days of the occurrence of an incident and should include, at a minimum, the following information:
a. Your name or the name of the person acting on Your behalf;
b. Your mailing address, post office box, phone number, email contact, and so on.
c. The nature of the complaint and Your account number with Us;
d. The date the complaint was filed;
e. The product or service that You are complaining about; and
f. Any supporting documentation relating to the Complaint, such as bill statements, service contracts or agreements, written correspondence, reports, or other evidence related to the complaint.
g. The requested solution.

Getting Your Complaint Resolved

a. Shipsmart's Care Department personnel will begin an investigation into Your complaint as soon as it is received.
b. Within five (15) business days of receipt, we will formally acknowledge receipt of Your Complaint and provide you with a support number. We aim to respond to Your complaint within fifteen (30) business days of receiving it.
c. We will do everything possible to complete the investigation within thirty [45] business days of receiving the Complaint.
d. If any of the timeframes cannot be met, We will notify You and provide a new timeframe within which You can expect a response from Us.
e. As soon as reasonably possible, we will notify You in writing of the resolution, decision, or action taken in response to Your Complaint.
f. Your complaint is considered resolved when:
(i) You notify Us in writing that You no longer want to pursue the Complaint;
(ii) We have agreed on a course of action that, if implemented, will resolve or remedy the Complaint to Your satisfaction.
(iii) We have taken action to correct or remedy the situation, and it is reasonable to believe that as a result of Our actions, You are no longer dissatisfied.

Unresolved Complaints

We strive to resolve Your complaint within the timeframes specified. Following a thorough investigation, We will keep the following information: a. The number of complaints that have been outstanding for more than ten (10) business days. b. The number of complaints received by category during the reporting period, as well as the total for the year to date. c. The percentage of complaints resolved within the specified time frame. d. The number of unresolved complaints referred to URCA.

If We are unable to satisfactorily resolve Your Complaint, You may refer Your Complaint to URCA at

File a Claim

Tell us about your consumer issue and we'll find a solution for you.

General Limits of Liability For more detailed information, see our Terms & Conditions

However, if you require any additional information, please contact us using one of the following methods:

  • Address: Russell Town, Eight Mile Rock
  • Hours of Operation: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Phone: (242) 348 – 1924
  • Email: [email protected]
  • By visiting this linkContact Us
